Country of the Crimson Forests

... and when she opened her eyes, she couldn’t believe what she saw. The forest once green, loudly rustling with leaves, turned purple and quiet. As if time had stopped, and the colours: had been changed in the Photoshop settings and someone just wined Magenta up.
The sun was burning. She felt some sweat on her forehead. Hoping to hide from the summer heat, she entered the forest. HER forest, her beloved forest, where she spent her childhood, where she knew every bump and every stump… but it was no longer THAT forest. Instead of freshness, she felt how the body was enveloped by the heat that was becoming stronger and stronger every second. It was difficult to breathe. Lack of oxygen. She felt as she was in the midst of a fire, though nothing was burning around. She began to go blind by the bright red colour of the foliage. Drops of sweat were already hailing from her forehead. She ran away ... out of there, out of the forest, faster... changes spread at an incredible speed, mutating everything in their path. She started to cry and her salty tears mixed with the drops of sweat. It's too late to stop it, it's just too late.
Russia is one of the most polluted countries in the world. Despite its natural wealth and resource, the government absolutely does not care about nature and its citizens.
The project “The Country of Crimson Forests” is my fantasy about what Russia could expect in the future with climate crisis, when radiation, toxic waste and mutations will have irreversible consequences and we will all find ourselves in the most terrible version of our future. This is another nail in the coffin cover of our nature.
This project involves the use of a special Kodak Aerochrome film, which turns green into pink / red.
2019 - ongoing